Sebastian Soyke

Hi, My name is @sebastian_soyke I love Whitewater paddling, and I am looking for the paddling adventure 😍 of a lifetime.
It would be exciting to go on a 🚐 road trip around Europe with my two best friends to paddle down some of the best rivers in the French, Austrian, and Slovenian Alps 🗻 . It's going to be an amazing experience that I know we'll never forget.
If that sounds like something could support, then vote for me, so I don't miss this opportunity.
This won't just be any old road trip - we'll be spending our days paddling down some of the most beautiful rivers in the world, and at the same time, sharing the experience, on social media :)... All the money will be used on the cost of petrol⛽, acomodation🏤and other fees that we might come across. We will make sure we spend it well to enjoy as many weeks on the road as possible. hey, I know this is a crazy idea but this is my plan.
If it sounds like something that you could support and think sounds like fun, then please vote for me, or just share your thoughts on the whole ro... Read more ▾

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